Lockheed Martin’s Digital Range Training System (DRTS) which encompasses the DAGIR range. Photo: Lockheed Martin |
[Avionics Today 10-10-2014] Lockheed Martin has delivered Digital Air Ground Integration Range (DAGIR) to the U.S. Army, which allows ground maneuver and attack aviation units to coordinate, synchronize and engage targets in the same battle space.
According to Lockheed Martin, DAGIR is the first range in U.S. Army history to integrate air and ground assets across a digitally powered range, which will provide higher-fidelity performance data so that soldiers receive more comprehensive feedback during training.
“The Digital Air Ground Integration Range offers more realistic training, helping soldiers, crews and platoons build confidence as they prepare for missions they’ll face in today’s operational environment,” said Jim Weitzel, vice president of training solutions for Lockheed Martin’s mission systems and training business.